Girls gone dead (2012)Movie review – Ever wondered what a porn film would be like without any sex…

OK I freely admit that the only reason I watched this film was because it was available to download for free,and I read a review(probably from the makers)which claimed it was a cheesy,but funny comedy, with lots of naked girls !

Well this movie was just like a porno but without the sex,lots of girls trying to act,all of them failing miserably.

Ron Jeremy also has a bit part in this shi* bucket of a movie,I can’t really tell you what his part was,but then again I’m sure Ron could not explain it either.

I would mention the poor dialogue but I would be surprised if there was actually a script….put this bikini on and laugh about with your mates,would have been the directors continuous advice!

0.01/ 10


3 thoughts on “Girls gone dead (2012)Movie review – Ever wondered what a porn film would be like without any sex…”

  1. Just saw it. You can make a good B horror flick ( see Stake Land) and then there is the above abortion…. I get what the movie was trying to do…Porkys meets a pornoless porno meets Scream….but for gods sale get people who can act tossed in. It was bland and regardless of all the bear breasts boring. I nodded off on the middle because it became predictable. If you like good B horror movies don’t watch this. Stay away because there are better ones out.

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