Category Archives: film

The Meyerowitz Stories (2017) Solid work but dreary and depressing.

Image result for The Meyerowitz Stories

I normally hate movies which base the whole story on someone dying, a bit like this movie which is purposely slow, starts when relatives mainly the distant siblings all come together and try to pretend that everything is normal and everything is loving when inside there is a hidden resentment and hatred.

This movie may be very true to life and Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller & Dustin Hoffman work believably in this dark drama surrounded by wit & moans.

I definitely don’t want to see this film again, I enjoyed the actor’s,I enjoyed the performances, but it was just too dreary, Hoffman has the best lines and character, he still knows how to transfer the written word into gold on a screen.

As a side note I really hope Adam Sandler leaves all the teenage Happy Gilmore stuff alone now & focuses on some meaty roles, he has real acting talent when he is not shouting or walking around like an oversized baby, I would love to see him as a killer or a cheating husband.


Wheelman (2017) Great idea,film lacks somthing

Image result for wheelman frank grillo

Wheelman starts off well, the camera view is based from the back of the car, you hear muffled voices and see a couple of men chatting outside, before long you get to meet your lead character played by Frank Grillo,he is the getaway driver, straight away I felt comfortable knowing that he is ” behind the wheel” as the lead he took everyone on a thrilling ride in the Purge 2.

This film sets up a great start by bringing in lots of car chases, accidents and thrills, but then the director seems to forget about these mystery characters and instead increases the speed of the film from 10mph to 200mph, there were plenty of questions unanswered but everything seem to wrap itself up without any explanation as to why, then the credits rolled, maybe a quirky direction but for me it feels like the film ran out of money and did not have an option to film many key scenes, really shame as it had the feel of a good action film .


Cardboard Gangsters (2017) Raw and Entertaining

Image result for cardboard gangsters

Cardboard Gangsters breathes a ton of oxygen into a dead genre, the setting is a poor estate in Ireland and the back drop is about a group of friends who are tired of living week to week without any real money and struggling to find a purpose in life.

As well as the good writing throughout, there is an honesty to the film which draws you in, if this was a cliché London flick all the characters would automatically move from scene to scene murdering people or hurting people without there being a flicker of intimidation or thought from the character in question, this film highlights the fact that you can choose to live a dangerous life but if you do you might have to face up to some dark consequences,may seem like common sense but the average person is good-hearted and has the support of family around them, when you truly break out of societies decency rules the effects can be devastating to a persons own karma, I have not seen a film break new ground with such style and clever writing in a long time, all on a limited budget, the people involved in this film will go on to bigger and better things, I have no doubt, treat yourself to fabulous night in with the Cardboard Gangsters.





Maze Runner: ‘The Scorch Trials’ How to ruin the legacy of the review 2015


The first film was a cracker, filled with suspense,mystery and excitement.

I was looking forward to more of the same in Maze Runner 2, how disappointed can one be in a film,well for me, very!

The film carriers on from the first,the escaped kids are being taken to a safe area,from there the film is filled with moments and scenes that go nowhere,zombie like characters in the style of the ‘walking dead’ weird monsters and a chase team.

The people responsible for this sequel need a smelly cold fish slapped against their face continuously until some brain function returns,Bloody dreadful film.



Birdman(2015) Movie Review; A realistic depressing film!

I adore Michael Keaton, I think he has been vastly under used in film, I am happy for the actor and that he has performed in an award-winning film but I can’t say I enjoyed this film.

It’s about a celebrity TV star who wants to claw back some popularity and fame by showing people that he can act,added to this he fights his own demons from within which doesn’t really connect to the points of interest in the film.

Edward Norton is already a modern-day legend in the movie business, he lets no one down in this film,but the script is somewhat depressing,this feels like a realistic portrayal of what it’s like to put on your own show on broadway,if this is what you are looking for great, if you are looking for an entertaining film that keeps you captivated give this one a miss.



Dawn of the Planet of the Apes(2014) Movie Review; As Boring as the Title sounds

I really enjoyed the first installment, you had the quirky but enjoyable James Franco, matched with an interested story which builds as the film goes on.

In this follow-up you have a cast you don’t care about and apes that after twenty minutes become as robotic as the robots in the film transformers, such a disappointing follow-up to a great remake.

I got 90% of the way in and turned off!



The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014) Movie Review- Scary film, but awful ending!

OK so Halloween is just round the corner so I thought it would be a good idea to scare my wife half to death with a psycho on the run type film! ( I even told her it was a true story just to get her more into it :))

The start of the film is interesting, .. there was a serial killler 60 years ago that murdered young couples who were making out in cars in the woods, nobody ever caught him, and guess what? Yep, you guessed it, there has just been another murder, and the M.O matches the killer from yesteryear.

I have to admit, I jumped more than I would like to admit, the nutcase who is  racewalking around this small town like he is training for the next olympics, is pretty scary, he just looks intimidating and let’s just say he holds nothing back!

You will spend the first two-thirds of the film guessing who this lunatic is, you will then spend the finale of the film, if you are like us, thinking what a crap ending to what had been a real smart and interesting horror, if there is such a thing??

So, if your bored with revisiting Jason and Freddie this Halloween, give this a whirl, just be warned about the ending or turn off with fifteen minutes to go!



Rudderless ( 2014) Movie Review – Real film making at it’s best ! 8/10

This film in my opinon is one of the best in 2014.

A father is torn apart when he loses his son, months later he comes across some tape recordings that his son had made prior to passing.

The writing is first class and William H Macy delivers what is a perfect example to any director out there that sometimes less is more.

When I read the synopsis I was not that excited, the film blew me away, it’s smart, interesting and avoids the normal path that most of these type of films tend to go down.

A mention must go to the music performed in the film, it is lyrically delicious at times.

Billy Crudup was mesmerizing throughout, you see agony,pain and joy written across his face and you are instantly happy to follow him on a journey filled with twists,turns and heartbreak.

Real film making at it’s best !



Red:Sammy Hagar autobiography (2012)Book review – Hagar has many faces!

Before starting this book I had heard of Sammy Hagar and Van Halen but I would have struggled to name a song for you.

This book is interesting but it feels very one-sided most of the times, there are very few regrets made or mistakes admitted.

The book is actually more enjoyable from a business point of view than it is from the rock star element, I am sure if you were a die-hard Van Halen fan you would feel different but for me I found it interesting that Sammy decided to start a HUGE business empire on the back of a rock career,half way through the book I started viewing some songs on Youtube, I have to say a lot of his and Van Halens songs dont age that well, if you put them on in your house the people next door would presume you were having a 80’s party.

Entrepreneurs will struggle to gain any inside tips as Sammy Hagar arrived at most of his ventures with millions already in the bank, it’s not like he went from a paper round to owning very successful businesses, I have respect for what he has done and is obviously no mug but when it comes to running and planning ahead but I found it very hard to relate to the man.

On one hand he preachers that he is an OK good guy who treats everyone with respect, in the next breath he is bragging about sleeping with thousands of groupies in a tent under the stage…

When you read about his exploits you imagine a pure crazy and destructive life style, when you look at Youtube, some of the band interviews are amazingly cringeworthy, the band look like teenagers that never grew up, their only impulse is to show off the booze and drugs that they have available hidden all over the stage, the most interesting thing about the footage is Sammy, who almost comes off as sad Dad trying to be cool with his teenage kids, It made me think that Mr Hagar is very good at putting on a face, one for his music, and one for his business,I suspect the real person lies behind his business and  his music exploits are more of a front.




Sex Tape (2014) Movie Review – A patronizing film with no chemistry!

This movie patronizes the majority of its audience and alienates the rest, I remember before I got married and had kids, I would always see films that represented young parents and feel quite nauseous, there seemed something quite depressing about their plight that I could not relate to, now I have kids and have slept what feels like a million sleepless nights, I feel patronized by these type of films, but more so in this film.

It’s a film about how a couples sex drive disappears when they have a couple of kids, you never really see any relationship between the parents and the kids so from the off you don’t really believe that Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel are parents, added to this they don’t seem like a convincing couple, I don’t buy that they like each other, never mind love each other, there is no on screen chemistry, which leaves you with a lot of over the top reactions.

Plot, they make a porn film that gets shared with all their friends and family. #YAWN!!!!!!!!
